Exactly the type of comment I expected from the animal haters that frequent this site
It was a joke snowflake, need a safespace? are you new to the internet?
You really deserve the attention you get..
Posted by Lou (guest) on Sat Jul 8 11:24:44 2017
It is the imposterous imbecile that is using my name...
Hey, whatever floats your boat.
Posted by Guest on Sat Jul 8 05:05:39 2017
This Justaguest person sounds like one sick puppy.
You are only part correct. It is the imposterous imbecile that is using my name to tell the world about his animal - anal fetishes.
Posted by Justaguest (guest) on Sat Jul 8 04:10:44 2017
This Justaguest person sounds like one sick puppy.
Posted by Guest on Fri Jul 7 15:55:40 2017
Hi. It's JaG here and I'm sorry to report that my little experiment didn't pan out. As it turns out a kitten's skeletal structure is simply to brittle to withstand the Venusian-like atmosphere of my... *ahem*... EZ bake oven. Ah well. My ongoing search for the ideal subterranean explorer (grotto gopher if you will) continues. Wish me luck!
Posted by The ONE, the ONLY, the REAL... Justaguest (guest) on Fri Jul 7 15:51:42 2017
Those kittens look pretty small. (followed by yet again, more senseless drivel)
Here goes the imposter of me publicizing their own true fascination with sticking objects, including live animals, up their ass. You are in need of some serious psychological examination, evaluation and therapy. You obvious have delusions of grandeur and acute schizophrenia. Possibly so many other character flaws that the only help for you would be a lifetime course of thorazine. Most likely in the 1000mg per day range.
Seek help as soon as possible before you do irreparable damage to or kill someone or yourself.
Well... On second thought, just carry on as you are or put that barrel in your mouth, aim upwards and squeeze the trigger slowly. (wouldn't want you to miss and it be a failed attempt) The world would be a better place without you.
Posted by Justaguest (guest) on Fri Jul 7 04:33:15 2017
Those kittens look pretty small. And cats are known for fitting themselves into incredibly small spaces. So it might be a simple matter of filing down their claws. Might have to shove some catnip or a rubber mouse up there beforehand though. Hmmmm...this might be worth looking into.
Posted by The ONE, the ONLY, the REAL... Justaguest (guest) on Thu Jul 6 20:14:12 2017
jfc triggered lol
Posted by Guest on Thu Jul 6 17:48:06 2017
Simmer down, Francis...
Posted by Jalad12 (guest) on Thu Jul 6 14:25:57 2017