Posted by Rodney (guest) on Mon May 15 13:37:14 2017
The way your dad looked at it, this watch was your birthright. He'd be damned if any slopes gonna put their greasy yellow hands on his boy's birthright, so he hid it, in the one place he knew he could hide something: his ass. Five long years, he wore this watch up his ass. Then when he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable piece of metal up my ass for two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the watch to you.
Posted by Guest on Sat May 13 22:50:38 2017
You certainly seem to spend a lot of time laughing.
Yep. Laughing at all the imbeciles that try to make themselves appear intelligent by commenting what they believe to be humorous and intellectually witty remarks. When all the time, all that they are proving is that their I.Q. is hovering somewhere around the 66 - 72 range.
Posted by Justaguest (guest) on Thu May 11 05:17:56 2017
You certainly seem to spend a lot of time laughing. But it's a sad laughter isn't it? The desperate laughter that never seems to reach a person's eyes. The type of laughter that is always seconds away from dissolving into an inconsolable crying jag. One where you end up a quivering, gelatinous pile on your long neglected and filthy floor. With only your dozens of cats as company, quietly circling you, waiting for you to draw your last breath. So they can eat you.
Posted by Guest on Wed May 10 16:13:38 2017
morbidly obese, tea slurping, romance novel reading shut in with the muscle tone of mashed potatoes
That is the perfect description of the tubbo that got cat-slammed.
Or was it meant to be self-descriptive? You know; Describing what you see in the mirror.
Troll on... and on and on and on etc...
Posted by Justaguest (guest) on Wed May 10 01:32:33 2017
"Hey there. Yeah, doing great! Good to see you................bitch."
Posted by Guest on Wed May 10 01:14:23 2017
...and maybe get an ass beating from a few people.
I'm assuming you mean cat lovers so that's doubtful. I've never met one that wasn't a morbidly obese, tea slurping, romance novel reading shut in with the muscle tone of mashed potatoes. But by all means type up a bunch of words about how tough you are. The only thing that would be scary about you are the feelings of pity and sadness you engender in whoever is unlucky enough to interact with you.
Posted by Guest on Tue May 9 15:21:37 2017
Posted by wat (guest) on Tue May 9 10:27:40 2017
Funny as funny can get.
Evil bitch deserved all she got for kicking snow at the cat. I hope it clawed her face and disfigured her for life so when anyone asks her what happened, she'll have to tell them that she mistreats animals and maybe get an ass beating from a few people.
Posted by Justaguest (guest) on Tue May 9 04:42:02 2017
Posted by Donny (guest) on Mon May 8 17:33:15 2017