That would be more accurate where Bart was the only student in his class who REFUSED the vax.
Posted by prez (guest) on Sun Aug 21 17:13:01 2022
thank you for wearing your masks
He said "wear your efn mask, you disease spreading monkey."
Posted by prez (guest) on Fri Aug 5 13:04:27 2022
Good thing
That's how vaccines have been working the entire time, since the vaccine created in 1796 against smallpox which got erradicated in 1976 thanks to massive vaccinations, sit tight, vaccines against covid are here to stay for a long time and stop whining about it
Posted by Guest on Fri Jul 1 08:04:01 2022
Illogical? Yes, you are.
You are not an effing Vulcan. Masks are very much logical as we smart people know. The only thing illogical is idiots on the right-wing extreme who refuse medical advice because some non-medical person told them otherwise. Sure, you go listen to your voodoo witch doctor.
Posted by prez (guest) on Mon Jun 27 14:37:04 2022
Wrong interpretaion.
He was talking about abortion, you dumb cunt. And vaccines have been proven, medically and scientifically, to have no effects on the fetus. Millions of pregnant women around the world have received the vax at all stages of pregnancy. It's all good. There is very little that we smart people don't know and, so far, there is no unknown side effects.
Posted by prez (guest) on Mon Jun 27 14:34:57 2022
Mask in public.
It's also a good way to prevent facial recognition, block allergens, dust, pollution, and whole bunch of other benefits besides blocking respiratory viruses.
Posted by prez (guest) on Mon Jun 27 14:30:12 2022
You do realize Libertarians are Republicans in the extreme, Ron and Rand Paul who are just insane fkers. PS I am a Progressive, not a Democrat or Liberal.
Posted by prez (guest) on Mon Jun 27 14:27:38 2022
Vax it now.
You have a right to not be vaxxed. The people who have to work around you also have the right to not be forced to work around unvaccinated, deadly virus carriers. You can just stay home or work in a full body protection suit to protect others from your disease.
Posted by prez (guest) on Mon Jun 27 14:25:38 2022
The vax is proven.
Stop being a bunch of babies and get vaccinated.
Posted by prez (guest) on Mon Jun 27 14:22:03 2022
more idiots
Y'all are retarded to believe this BS. Inflation is caused by only ONE thing; greedy corporate bastards raising prices ... because they can. Right-wing rhetoric blaming people for wanting to make enough money to not starve to fking death.
It has NOTHING to do with government spending, nor wage increases, nor rent controls, nor anything outside corporate control. FACT! EVERY economist agrees with me.
Posted by prez (guest) on Sun Jun 26 15:12:33 2022