No, it's Jacinda Ardern. She is an absolute tyrant and should be locked up. It wouldn't hurt to learn about the real world and what happens in it before spouting off like a basement-brat. Now turn down the rap music, turn off the xbox and read a book..
Posted by Rodney (guest) on Tue Jan 24 21:50:11 2023
Is that a photo of the poster? Makes no sense. Completely retarded you are.
Posted by prez (guest) on Sun Jan 22 01:06:44 2023
Is that a photo of the poster?
No, it's Jacinda Ardern. She is an absolute tyrant and should be locked up. It wouldn't hurt to learn about the real world and what happens in it before spouting off like a basement-brat. Now turn down the rap music, turn off the xbox and read a book..
Posted by Rodney (guest) on Tue Jan 24 21:50:11 2023