I love how every day that passes, we get more and more lore into the deep and likely fractured void that is Justaguest. That or he's a twat who knows like 6 or 7 words.
Posted by Guest on Tue Nov 21 18:24:13 2017
Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep...
Mmmm, you tell them sweetheart. I love it when you talk rough. Not too many people here know but this is exactly the way he talks during our frequent and forbidden bedroom sessions. But our age difference shouldn't matter. We're two consenting adult males. Well, one legal adult and one bi-curious twink. But when are we going to make it official sweetmeat and tell the whole world of our hot and sweaty man love?
Posted by (The REAL and ONLY) Justaguest (guest) on Tue Nov 21 15:24:02 2017
Trump 2020! the liberal tears are so delicious..
Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep
Suck it up buttercups.
There are sooo many that are STILL butt-hurt because the lying, thieving, murderous, terrorist sympathizing, Obama backed and supported, treasonous, traitor candidate lost and didn't get to become the first woman President. :-D
Posted by JustaGuestofaGuest (guest) on Tue Nov 21 11:27:43 2017
Trump 2020! the liberal tears are so delicious..
Posted by Rodney (guest) on Sat Nov 18 22:32:53 2017
omg is Justy the spineless admin on here?
I don't see how else he gets away with his political trolling and overall childish obnoxiousness. So the douchebag either runs this place or the admin shares his bent political leanings.
Posted by Guest on Sat Nov 18 18:52:07 2017
omg is Justy the spineless admin on here??
No, I don't think so. But I do know that you and others are spineless, trolling imbeciles... ☺