admin-fools-nobody... (followed by endless, imbecilic babbling)
Wow!!! You ARE the poster child for idiocy, aren't you. ?
Severely mentally and intellectually deficient. It's a wonder you are even able to hit the floor with your feet when you gat out of bed in the mornings. ☺☺☺
Posted by Justaguest (guest) on Thu Nov 16 05:00:50 2017
I had heard it and like any clear thinking person dismissed his horseshit line. Unlike you and the rest of the Kremlin sympathizing, closet racists, I believe that this country has always been great. So if I never bought into that BS why would I be able to recognize the acronym?
Posted by Guest on Sat Nov 11 18:31:46 2017
Didn't know what MAGA stood for???
Well, it doesn't take so much brain power that it would exceed your capacity or an astute follower of political events to have noticed that MAGA (Make America Great Again) was one of the Presidential Election candidates campaign slogan. So you REALLY MUST HAVE BEEN under a rock.
Posted by Justaguest (guest) on Sat Nov 11 05:08:51 2017
Didn't know what MAGA stood for???
No I didn't. See, what your kind fail to grasp is that not everyone is wrapped up in or cares about what the commander-in-cheeto is fucking up from day to day. It's exhausting trying to keep up with that jackass. He's built his whole existence around bullshit and just because someone doesn't bother to slavishly follow his every inane utterance doesn't mean they've been hiding under a rock.
Posted by Guest on Fri Nov 10 21:38:18 2017
(BTW have I mentioned I love penis) Buh? I didn't know what MAGA stood for...
We thought so!!!
Thank you for confirming to the world what we had already suspected about you. ☺
Didn't know what MAGA stood for???
Where have you been; Under a rock?
Posted by Justaguest (guest) on Tue Nov 7 03:37:11 2017