The point of "Anyone, and I mean ANYONE that uses the (non) word "fuckwit" in a comment or verbally has proven themselves to be of extremely low intellect and intelligence. Good luck in life there brain of none." that was made has once again proven itself to be true.
Posted by Guest on Wed Dec 5 02:59:37 2018
First you completely miss the point of what was clearly meant as a joke.
Get the fuck over yourself already. Nobody gives a fuck about you, your inane and senseless drivel and constant "I'm better than anyone" attitude. Do us all a favor: Go into K-Mart, buy a shotgun and shells, load it, chamber a round, put the business end into your mouth, remove the safety and push the trigger.
Posted by Guest on Wed Dec 5 02:56:54 2018
ANYONE that uses the (non) word "fuckwit"...
First you completely miss the point of what was clearly meant as a joke. Then, when someone justifiably points it out to you, you further embarrass yourself by claiming your feeble-minded comment was also meant as a joke. Now you’re trying to deflect and camouflage the issue. No one is buying what you’re selling. Fuckwit.
Posted by Guest on Wed Dec 5 00:22:59 2018
I still think...
Mom looks well worthy of a good hump or 1000.
No question about it; I would certainly put it to her.
Posted by Guest on Tue Dec 4 17:21:04 2018
That's just it you fuckwit.
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE that uses the (non) word "fuckwit" in a comment or verbally has proven themselves to be of extremely low intellect and intelligence. Good luck in life there brain of none.
Posted by Guest on Tue Dec 4 03:58:59 2018
You have just graduated ...
That's just it you fuckwit. I'm not trolling. I simply called you out for being so obtuse that you mistook what was a post meant in jest for a genuine comment. The problem lies entirely with you. Stop trying to drag me into your short bus reality.
Posted by Guest on Mon Dec 3 18:31:41 2018
Uh-huh, right.
You have just graduated to the top of the trolling idiot class.
Posted by Guest on Mon Dec 3 14:45:06 2018
So was my comment....
Uh-huh, right. "You must have watched a different video or are in a fantasy world. Because nothing like that happens in the video." That is some comedy gold right there. How do you do it? How do you make written words jump off the page like that? You can practically smell the waves of dullness coming off you.