You must have watched a different video or are in a fantasy world.
It was meant as a joke you simpleton.
Posted by Guest on Wed Nov 28 14:42:55 2018
I've seen this video.
You must have watched a different video or are in a fantasy world. Because nothing like that happens in the video.
Posted by Guest on Wed Nov 28 05:54:53 2018
Some say she's still rolling to this day.
She certainly has the perfect build for it.
Posted by Guest on Wed Nov 21 17:48:58 2018
“It's bullshit, I did not hit the ground. I did nooot!"
Posted by Guest on Wed Nov 21 17:43:12 2018
I've seen this video. It does take a bizarre turn and ends with a pie fight. Creampie that is. In her face.
Posted by Guest on Wed Nov 21 17:39:00 2018
Now you're gettin' it...
... and as rough as you can take it.
Posted by Guest on Wed Nov 21 05:51:58 2018
Tax cut!
"It's a tax cut for the Middle Class!"
"PSYCH, SUCKER!! Remember when we were screaming about deficit spending 'destroying the economy'? Fuckin' LOL!! *High, nasal voice* But Benghazi! But 'You can keep your doctor'! But her emails! But abortion!"
Posted by Guest on Wed Nov 14 06:44:59 2018
I happen to agree with him.
I was shocked that no one bothered to post any childish comebacks to this. But then I wondered if they had confused my post as having agreed with the guy who said nothing was being ruined here. Just to clarify I meant I was agreeing with the guy who said, "Stop ruining this place with all that political crap."
Posted by Guest on Thu Nov 8 16:58:29 2018
Nothing is being ruined here.
I happen to agree with him. Someone here, maybe in the guise of trolling, makes these snarky comments that have nothing to do with the gif and usually involve these bumper sticker right wing phrases. Sometimes people respond in kind sometimes they don't. Hell, maybe it is trolling after all. But I'd like to go to one place where that kind of shit isn't tolerated. From EITHER side of the political aisle.
Posted by Guest on Fri Nov 2 04:01:51 2018
Stop ruining this place with all that political crap. It has no place here.
Nothing is being ruined here.
Only you would see sucking dick and butt fucking as political. So, you MUST have a strong left political swing.