Oh, but they did. Just because you don't want it to have been true, doesn't mean that it never happened. They did do this.
Every comment you post, further cements the fact that you are a fucking idiot.
Posted by Guest on Wed Mar 29 05:41:42 2023
Please stop the lies.
Please stop posting your liberal bullshit.
Posted by Guest on Wed Mar 29 05:37:22 2023
Again, more lies coming from this idiot who keeps posting bullshit. This never happened.
Maybe not to this specific one. But there is NO DENYING that these things DID happen.
Just because YOU don't want it to be true; Which is typical liberal thinking, doesn't mean that it isn't.
Posted by Guest on Wed Mar 29 05:35:56 2023
Please stop the lies.
Please tell the idiot to stop posting these inciteful lies that mean NOTHING.
I will partly agree and tell you that boosters are only needed for the immunocompromised and others with sever diseases and illnesses, but the average healthy person doesn't need them anymore.
However, flu, RVS, and other vaccines are still needed for most people.
Posted by prez (guest) on Tue Mar 28 20:00:14 2023
More LIES.
Again, more lies coming from this idiot who keeps posting bullshit. This never happened.
Posted by prez (guest) on Tue Mar 28 19:56:59 2023
Completely FALSE. This is another right-wing fool propaganda tool to incite the already angry (but are misdirecting their anger) upon the centrist democrats. The left is actually the progressives who want what every other country in Europe, Canada, and Mexico (as well as most of the world) already have: free healthcare, free education, paid leave, and many, many more benefits. If they can afford it, so can the richest nation on Earth.
Posted by prez (guest) on Tue Mar 28 19:55:37 2023
Vaccine haters be like:
-Covid was just like any other flu!
-Then take a vaccine just like with any other flu
-Noooo! I've been lied to!!
Posted by Guest on Wed Mar 22 22:50:16 2023
uh ... makes no sense.
y'all are idiots. the COVID booster is just like the flu vaccine in that it only lasts a few months. Duh.
Posted by prez (guest) on Wed Mar 22 22:41:03 2023