It's a lie that Republicans and MAGA idiots keep spreading to make themselves feel superior.
Not a lie and Republicans don't need to do anything to prove that we ARE of superior intellect.
People that comment as you do are making a strong case for us already.
11 months into the pandemic vs 3 years living with it, of course it's going to be some discrepancies, if you don't want to get vaxed don't! stop crying about it, please! Fucking millenials, you remember me all those that used to say that HIV was only a gay plage! So ignorant!
Posted by Guest on Sun Feb 26 04:31:52 2023
Please stop showing the one study that's been proven wrong. There is NO NATURAL IMMUNITY to any virus that keeps changing. It's a lie that Republicans and MAGA idiots keep spreading to make themselves feel superior.
Posted by prez (guest) on Sun Feb 26 00:56:10 2023
a lot of fear mongering and being crybabies and false statements
a lot of fear mongering and being crybabies and false statements
Vax DOES lessen the chance to spread COVID.
Unvaccinated students with even mild health conditions are at risk for strong COVID.
NOBODY as any immunity from a previous case of COVID. It's like saying you're immune to the flu because you got it last year, it doesn't work that way.
Most adults have received the free boosters.
Yes, the vax and boosters are offered to everyone in Europe, in fact, youth in Europe get the booster more than American youth.
COVID is so prevalent that it is, in fact, more likely to spread (and thus riskier) than polio and measles.
Posted by prez (guest) on Fri Feb 24 00:53:10 2023
It would be funnier if it had a draw of the covid virus, since Covid is known to cause damage to the heart
No, it wouldn't be funnier since it isn't to do with the COVID virus directly.
This is to do with one that pushed the vax and the damage that it has been known to do to the heart.
Posted by Guest on Fri Feb 17 09:56:45 2023
It would be funnier if it had a draw of the covid virus, since Covid is known to cause damage to the heart
Posted by Guest on Thu Feb 16 12:57:07 2023
(Start time 59min)
Posted by Gallery Administrator on Thu Feb 2 11:21:10 2023